March 26, 2012


The term "VISUALISATION" is a misnomer.

With this technique, you will be using more than just your visual faculties.  When you do Power Visualization, besides seeing what you desire, you will also hear it, smell it, taste it, and feel it.

Whatever you think about most often expands in your life. So if you are constantly worried about not having enough money, you will get more life experiences of not having enough money.

Focusing on opportunities to make money will get you a thousand times further than worrying about the lack of it.

But Power Visualization is more than just positive thinking.  It's about putting your mind and body in the ideal place first, and then flooding your subconscious with a colorful experience of life as you want it. 

The more relaxed you are, the more open your subconscious is to receive the messages you want to send it. And the more senses that you involve in your Power Visualization, the more of an impact it will have.

Here's another important characteristic of the subconscious mind: it can't tell the difference between your outer world and your imagination. 

Meaning that if you visualize an event in great detail and with a lot of emotion, your subconscious mind will believe that it's really happening.  And the more times you practice Power Visualization properly, the more "real" it will seem to your subconscious.

This is key because once it believes your visualization to be a fact; it will feel tension when your current outer reality doesn't match up. 

It will then go your assistance by sending you ideas, opportunities and motivation to transform your outer world.

March 17, 2012


Para peserta dan urusetia Kursus Komunikasi Berkesan di Tempat Kerja
MOSTI - 13-15 Mac 2012

KUASA KOMUNIKASI atau Power of Communication adalah salah satu alat (tool) untuk meningkatkan keyakinan dan kemampuan diri, sekaligus meningkatkan nilai dan harga diri seseorang. Biarpun lazimnya tidak ramai yang menyedari gaya seseorang berkomunikasi adalah cerminan diri, jiwa dan keperibadiannya sendiri.

Di dalam berkomunikasi, setiap orang harus melihat ke dalam dirinya dahulu; mengenali sikap, jiwa, emosi dan peribadi sendiri sebelum dapat berkomunikasi dengan lebih berkesan. Keberkesanan berkomunikasi bukan setakat memiliki kelantangan suara semasa bercakap atau menggerakkan anggota tubuh badan serta ekspresi wajah semahunya, tetapi juga perlu kepada kebijaksanaan menilai serta kemampuan mendengar. Jalinan kesemua itu akan menjadikan seseorang itu dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik dan berkesan.